Beyond Therapy: Igniting Life Focus Community Movements By Erving Polster
Polster incorporates a broader scenario for enhancing attention through community groups, showing that the convergence of people’s minds on commonly important life themes creates enlightenment. This interlocked focus amplifies the ensuing conversational content and creates a meditation-like absorption. This kind of pointed focus, argues Polster, has the power to color the lives of the participants.
This work offers rationale and design for life focus community groups, and also creates a heightened identity for the life focus movement, providing other foundational ideas that help to unify diverse approaches. Mental health professionals will benefit from its wealth of specific exercises and instructions for program design. Polster provides leaders and group members with a well-rounded perspective on the basics of personal enlightenment and communal belonging.
Erving Polster (Author)
Erving Polster is the director of The Gestalt Training Center, San Diego, and the author of Gestalt Therapy Integrated, Every Person’s Life is Worth a Novel, and From the Radical Center: The Heart of Gestalt Therapy.